Therapy practised as Wholistic Nutritional Medicine combines the latest
research-based evidence in biochemistry and nutrition with naturopathic
principles - the use of foods and cleansing procedures. It is more than
'healthy eating' or 'nutritional advice'. Rather our practitioners aim
to help patients move towards healing themselves. It takes into account
the complex interactions between the mind and the body, acknowledging
the effect of the emotions on the state on health. It is natural medicine
because it respects the inherent ability of body cells and tissues to
restore their own healthy function given the appropriate tools - the nutrients
and environmental conditions - for repair and renewal.
does it work?
Wholistic Nutritional Medicine acts on the way cells work. When
diets are poor or there is prolonged stress, the body is deprived of adequate
nutrients. The normal protection systems in the cell under-perform and
cells are damaged by toxins and reactive chemicals. The immune system
cannot work well in these conditions and we are more likely to suffer
health problems. These could be physical or mental since nutritional therapists
recognise that the brain is especially dependent on good nutrition. One
of the roles of the immune system is to clear away wastes. In chronic
illness this does not happen fast enough, so nutrient depleted cells work
in a sluggish fashion, toxins accumulate and vitality is lost.
the diet be difficult to follow?
The diet and supplements are designed to relieve the burden on inadequate
cell working and provide a plentiful supply of the nutrients needed. Some
common foods are left out because they may slow cell function, interfere
with the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract or depress the
effectiveness of the immune system. Other basic foods are added to correct
Happens During a Consultation?
At the initial consultation which usually lasts 60 - 90 minutes
the practitioner will go through your personal and family medical history,
diet and lifestyle. They will be looking for clues in the detail of illnesses
as to what has happened in your lifetime. The practitioner will usually
give you their initial thoughts on what you need and discuss the kinds
of dietary and lifestyle changes appropriate for you.
the practitioner works on your case
After the consultation the practitioner will usually make a detailed
analysis of all the information you have supplied to tease out the family
or inherited factors in your case and map the ability of your body to
handle toxins and fight infection. Other factors that are explored are
most affected body systems such as digestion or liver, vitamin and mineral
imbalances and the way your body handles fats, sugar, salt (sodium) and
calcium. While the symptoms which you bring to the consultation are thoroughly
considered the aim in putting together a prescription is to address the
underlying causes of your health problems.
time spent on your behalf by WNMS practitioners in the analysis of your
case and preparation of the prescription may amount to four to six hours
including the initial consultation time before you receive your first
prescription. The extra effort on analysis allows individually determined
root causes of ill health to be identified and addressed through the prescription.
Analysis of the changes you report to your nutritional therapist at follow
up appointments allows support using diet, supplements and lifestyle measures
to be directed where it is most needed to achieve the changes you desire.
help will you get with the program?
A few days after the consultation you will get a written prescription
including a dietary plan and usually also supplement recommendations.
The types and quantities of foods and the levels at which supplements
are recommended are used to tailor therapy not only to your health condition
but also to what is achievable for your lifestyle. Practitioners may also
supply hints and suggestions for getting started on the prescription,
snack and meal ideas, recipes, stockist information and recipe book recommendations.
Telephone or email support is usually included to help you follow the
forward conditions may respond very quickly in a matter of weeks although
an initial consultation and several follow up appointments is more usual.
Many people would expect to see a significant difference by the first
follow-up appointment. At each consultation the program is usually adjusted
according to the progress you have made. If you have had a chronic condition
over many years then you may need a longer treatment program. Some conditions
also require more frequent appointments.